Intuitive Social Fabric
Welcome to the Intuitive Community Media Network — where we celebrate the deepening and enrichment of regenerative, life-honoring social fabric that is decidedly in fashion.

This Intuitive Public Radio
Intuitive Public Radio is a multimedia art and advocacy Project to promote public health and life vitality among the most disabled and invisible people.
We build collaborative community projects to grow safe locational resourcing and inspire Intuitive listening.
Our work is led by groups and individuals with deep lived experience of complex and compounded conditions of injury, disablement, hardship, and violence — and what it takes to transform those conditions into the shared gardens of nourishment so widely needed.

Our core mission is to…
- Provide communications bridging and disability recovery aid infrastructure for survivors of violence who cannot find help anywhere else
- Create safe, accessible spaces for dialogue, collaboration, artful expression, and community building
- Support disabled individuals in recovering their voices, vocations, and fullest meaningful self-led economic participation
- Prevent human trafficking and other forms of exploitation by reducing isolation and vulnerability while strengthening bonds of relationship in the community
- Nurture inclusive communities that recognize, support, value, and celebrate their most vulnerable and severely affected members

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Message Megan Elizabeth on Telegram for assistance.